

Ultima-EQ 500mg/ml-int

International Warehouse

CLASSIFICATION: Anabolic Steroid
DOSAGE: Men 400-1000 mg/week
ACNE: Rarely

Ultima-EQ 500mg/ml-int


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Ultima-EQ 500mg/ml-int
This item: Ultima-EQ 500mg/ml-int

Product Overview

EQ 500 is now available in discreet and portable 10ml vials. However, the potency of the primary ingredient, Boldenone Undecylenate, is one mil. The anabolic steroid is consumed as an injection. Most who buy Boldenone Undecylenate online use it solely or in combination with other steroids.

How does it work?

Boldenone is another form of testosterone. However, its molecule is different from the primary carbon atoms. As a result, EQ 500 has a completely different effect on the consumer’s body. Most who buy steroids online are athletes who wish to improve their performance. The primary ingredient turns into estrogen with a low progestogen byproduct.

How to use it?

Boldenone Undecylenate has an active half-life of two weeks. Therefore, the injection is limited to once a week. However, the user must take it carefully if they wish to compete. The anabolic steroid is detectable in the initial five months when the last injectable was administered.


The Boldenone Undecylenate cycle lasts for eight to ten weeks. The steroids shop recommends 400-500mg for male athletes. However, they can consume a maximum dose of 800mg. On the other hand, the dose for women is 50-100mg.

Why buy EQ 500mg?

EQ 500 cycle will promote efficient muscle gain. It will improve powerlifting performance and enhance exercise endurance too. Boldenone Undecylenate in the injection will promote amplified red blood cell circulation. Organs receive more oxygen which promotes tissue growth.

Side effects Of EQ 500mg

Steroids shop warn of nausea, headache, and skin discolouration when taken in high doses. The user’s sexual interest becomes unpredictable. Hair loss, oily skin, and acne can also surface. The consumer can also complain of soreness and redness at the end of the injection cycle. If the side effects last or become severe, consult a physician immediately.

Where to buy Ultima-EQ 500mg/ml-int Online?

AAS Pharmacy is an online store that offers steroids for sale, which help the individual with weight gain and exercise relief. The anabolic steroid is for adults, so keep it away from children. Lastly, seek assistance if you do not know how to administer the injection.


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