
Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $114.99.

MK2866 & S4


MK-2866 15mg+ S4 25mg (MK-2866 & S4)
Usage: 1-2 capsules
Capsule per container: 90
Amount per capsule: (40mg)
Half life: MK-2866 24 hours & S4 4-6 hours

Not intended for human consumption. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase.

These Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. this product is note intended to cure, prevent treat or diagnose an disease.

MK2866 & S4

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $114.99.

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S4 and MK-2866, two cutting-edge substances made to advance your fitness goals. A powerful selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) with the brand name Ostarine, MK-2866 is well known for its capacity to encourage lean muscle growth and improve endurance. Whether you’re a serious bodybuilder or just trying to be in better shape, MK-2866 can effectively and efficiently help you reach your objectives.

S4, commonly known as Andarine, which has outstanding fat-cutting qualities, works in conjunction with MK-2866. S4 works by focusing on the body’s androgen receptors to speed up fat loss while keeping lean muscle mass. This energetic pair offers a comprehensive method for body transformation, enabling you to precisely shape your ideal physique. 

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MK-2866 (Ostarine) and S4 (Andarine) work by selectively targeting androgen receptors in the body. MK-2866 promotes lean muscle growth and endurance, while S4 accelerates fat loss while preserving muscle mass. They both help users achieve their fitness goals by enhancing specific aspects of their physique.


Mk2866 dosage(Ostarine) typically involves a daily intake of 20-30 mg for 8-12 weeks, best split into two doses, while S4 (Andarine) is usually taken at 25-50 mg per day for 6-8 weeks, also split into two doses. Consultation with a healthcare professional is essential before starting any SARM cycle, and post-cycle therapy may be necessary, especially after using S4 at higher doses, to ensure safety and mitigate potential side effects. 

*Always source these compounds from reputable suppliers and follow the specific dosing instructions provided with the product to achieve the best results while minimizing risks.


  • Muscle Growth
  • Fat Loss
  • Endurance and Stamina
  • Improved Strength
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • Preservation of Muscle
  • Potential Joint Health

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S4 and mk2866 side effects includes:

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Mild Androgenic Effects
  • Vision Issues (S4)
  • Mood Swings
  • Liver Toxicity
  • Cardiovascular Risk


MK2866 for sale is now available at discounted price on Aas Pharmacy. Place your order now! The precise formulation of MK-2866 and S4 guarantees that you get the best benefits with minimal side effects. With the help of these potent substances, up your fitness level and experience the transformation you’ve always wanted. 


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