
Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $64.99.

MK-2866 (OSTARINE) 15mg


MK-2866 15mg
Usage: 1-2 capsules
Capsules per container: 90
Amount per capsule: (15mg)
Half life: 24 hours

Not intended for human consumption. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase.

These Statements have not been evaluated by FDA. this product is note intended to cure, prevent treat or diagnose an disease.

MK-2866 (OSTARINE) 15mg

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $64.99.

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Selective androgen receptor modulator ostarine MK-2866 sometimes referred to as ostarine, is. It is frequently used because it has the ability to improve bone density, boost athletic performance, and increase muscle mass and strength without many of the negative side effects of conventional anabolic steroids.

How does it work?

It operates by focusing on and activating only a few androgen receptors throughout the body, particularly in the muscle and bone tissues. Ostarine causes muscle cell androgen receptors to become active, increasing protein synthesis.

 The anabolic (muscle-building) impact of this encourages muscular growth and repair. It is frequently used by bodybuilders and athletes to support muscle growth and maintenance during workouts or calorie-restricted times.

Proper Dosage and Administration:

Depending on a person’s objectives, level of experience, and tolerance, MK-2866 (Ostarine) dose and administration should be customized. For the majority of users, the recommended daily dose of Ostarine MK-2866 is between 10mg and 30mg. 

The dosage you choose from among those in this range will be influenced by things including your goals, your experience using SARMs, and any potential side effects you could have.

Ostarine is frequently taken throughout cycles of 4 to 12 weeks. Some people might decide to prolong cycles.


Athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness fanatics are becoming more and more enamored of MK-2866, often known as ostarine. It’s important to remember that each person will experience Ostarine’s advantages differently, and outcomes may vary. We offer the greatest ostarine MK 2866 for sale at unbeatable prices. The following are some potential advantages of ostarine:

  • Ostarine has been shown to have anabolic effects, which means it can help you gain muscle mass. 
  • When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise routine, users frequently report increases in muscle size and strength.
  • When using Ostarine, some people experience a slight fat loss. This impact is frequently the result of more muscle mass, which can enhance metabolism and aid in fat burning.

Side Effects:

Despite the fact that MK-2866 (Ostarine) is frequently regarded as having a less negative side effect profile than conventional anabolic steroids, it’s important to remember that each user may react differently and may develop Ostarine MK 2866 side effects. 

  • Moderate androgenic Side Effects: 

Although ostarine is thought to have less androgenic potential than conventional steroids, some users may nevertheless have moderate androgenic side effects including acne, greasy skin, or hair loss.

  • Speculative Long-Term Effects:

Ostarine’s possible health concerns and long-term effects are unknown because it is a relatively new substance.

  • Changes in Liver Enzymes: 

Some users have mentioned experiencing increased liver enzyme levels when taking Ostarine. 

Where to buy MK-2866 (OSTARINE) 15mg online?

 MK 2866 is available on the “Aas Pharmacy” website. Click here to make a purchase! Buy sarms online, but make careful to select reputable vendors.


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